Shellfish Research and Information
Services for the U.S. West Coast

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The man with a plan

PSI researcher, Andy Suhrbier helps shellfish growers adapt to changing ocean conditions.

Washington Shellfish Initiative

Supporting sustainable production and safe consumption of shellfish in WA State.

Sea Grant Aquaculture Extension 2015: Implementing the Washington Shellfish Initiative

The Washington Shellfish Initiative (WSI) is a partnership of federal, tribal, state, and local governments, universities, shellfish growers, and nonprofit organizations committed to restoring and expanding shellfish resources. This project, funded by NOAA (grant no. NA14OAR4170078-11) will enhance the current capabilities of the Washington Sea Grant Extension Program to better serve aquaculture stakeholders and the public in support of sustainable production and safe consumption of seafood in Washington state. The research team includes: Teri King and Pete Granger from the University of Washington and WA Sea Grant, Rachel Hansen from Image in Action Design and Bobbi Hudson from the Pacific Shellfish Institute.

To help improve shellfish research and cultivation practices, the Pacific Shellfish Institute will provide technical assistance on this project in partnership with Washington Sea Grant (WSG). PSI will work with WSG staff to update and document their West Coast Shellfish Research Needs and Priorities. PSI will also help WSG develop training workshops for shellfish growers on remote setting of Pacific oysters. This information will be presented by PSI staff at the annual PCSGA/NSA conference.


Supporting Information:

  • Gov. Jay Inslee launches next phase of Washington Shellfish Initiative: View Article

Farmers harvesting oysters in Willapa Bay, WA. Photo Credit: NOAA/Taylor Shellfish Co.