Shellfish Research and Information
Services for the U.S. West Coast

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Mission and History
Who We Are
Strategic Plan
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Shellfish Research Photo

West Coast Shellfish Research & Information Needs

PSI maintains and updates information on the needs and priorities of growers, restoration efforts, and resource managers. Learn more...


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The man with a plan

PSI researcher, Andy Surhbier helps shellfish growers adapt to changing ocean conditions.

Strategic Plan

PSI conducts research and outreach to address environmental and social issues facing shellfish, shellfish growers, and the marine ecosystems that sustain them.

Our vision is for healthy coastal ecosystems and productive and sustainable shellfish populations

The three strategic goals of the Pacific Shellfish Institute

Safe and sustainable shellfish production along the West Coast

PSI works to ensure that the information needs of the shellfish community are understood and addressed through multi-disciplinary research and outreach. This includes supporting efforts to reduced risk of shellfish-related illness, increase understanding of the social and environmental impacts of shellfish and shellfish aquaculture, and reduce impediments to environmentally sound development of shellfish aquaculture and restoration efforts.

Healthy marine ecosystems that sustain healthy shellfish populations and a vibrant shellfish industry

To enhance resiliency of shellfish and the shellfish industry to disease and changing ocean conditions, PSI is committed to enhanced and expanded monitoring and evaluation of water quality and biological conditions along the West Coast. Through this reseach, we aim to enhance the ability of resource managers and shellfish growers to predict and respond effectively to events that threaten human or ecosystem health. In additionto research, PSI also conducts outreach and education for children and adults to increase awareness of water quality issues among the general public and provides information on measures to improve local water quality conditions.

Enhanced public awareness of the economic, social, and ecological value of shellfish

Through research and outreach, PSI provides important information on the ecological, economic, cultural and recreation benefits of shellfish. We also identify and enhance opportunities to connect the public with shellfish resources through a variety of educational offerings including training for citizen monitoring programs and shellfish gardening.

Strategic Plan


Learn more about PSI's Strategic Plan for supporting healthy shellfish populations along the West Coast.