Shellfish Research and Information
Services for the U.S. West Coast

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Mission and History
Who We Are
Strategic Plan
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Shellfish Research Photo

West Coast Shellfish Research & Information Needs

PSI maintains and updates information on the needs and priorities of growers, restoration efforts, and resource managers. Learn more...


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The man with a plan

PSI researcher, Andy Surhbier helps shellfish growers adapt to changing ocean conditions.

Mission, Vision, and Values

Our vision is for healthy coastal ecosystems and productive and sustainable shellfish populations along the U.S. West Coast.

Providing Research and Information Services for the U.S. West Coast Since 1995

Fostering sustainable shellfish resources and a healthy marine environment through research and education.

PSI research and educational activities are aimed at supporting sustainable shellfish production and restoration, protecting marine ecosystems, reducing user-conflicts, and informing coastal planning decisions. Most of our activities focus on publicly-funded research projects to evaluate the ecology, health and diseases of shellfish. We also conduct social research to characterize the status of shellfish production and restoration along the West Coast, including socio-economic assessments of the benefits and costs of shellfish production, and barriers to entry for the shellfish industry.

PSI emphasizes sound science, broad partnerships and meaningful stakeholder collaboration. Our vision is healthy ecosystems and sustainable coastal communities that understands the ecological, economic, and social contributions of shellfish and shellfish aquaculture to the region.

The Pacific Shellfish Institute (PSI) is a Section 501(c)(3) private nonprofit organization formed in 1995 to develop and disseminate scientific and technical information of value to the general public, shellfish farmers, and public officials in connection with shellfish-related environmental, and animal and human health and safety issues. PSI maintains an office and laboratory in Olympia, Washington, USA.

Where we work - project and partner locations